Parking in Malbork and Malbork Castle

Paid Parking Zone in Malbork and next to the Castle
The zoning on public roads in Malbork is divided into three zones. The car parks in the vicinity of Malbork Castle are described at the bottom of the page.
Payments for parking in the paid parking zone must be made in parking machines. We can pay for parking using, among others, contactless payment cards and coins. It is also possible to pay using mobile applications.
Parking rates in Malbork
Centre I, Tadeusz Kościuszko:
payment is valid Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00
- PLN 1.00 minimum charge for 30 minutes;
- PLN 2.00 for each additional hour of parking;
Centre II:
payment is valid Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00
- PLN 1.00 minimum charge for 30 minutes;
- PLN 2.00 for each additional hour of parking;
Parking at the back of Kosciuszko Street:
Paid parking 24h/7 days
- PLN 1.00 minimum charge for 30 minutes;
- PLN 2.00 for the first hour;
- PLN 1.50 for each subsequent hour of parking;
- PLN 8.00 per day (24h);
- PLN 30.00 for 7 days;
- PLN 50.00 for 30 days;
Old Town car park:
payment is valid Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00
- PLN 1.00 minimum charge for 30 minutes;
- PLN 2.00 for each additional hour of parking;
Parking at Slavic Square:
payment is valid Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00
- PLN 1.00 minimum charge for 30 minutes;
- PLN 2.00 for each additional hour of parking;
Nicolaus Copernicus Street car park:
payment is valid Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00
- PLN 1.00 minimum charge for 30 minutes;
- PLN 2.00 for each additional hour of parking;
Dworcowa Street car park:
Paid parking 24h/7 days
- PLN 1.00 minimum charge for 30 minutes;
- PLN 2.00 for the first hour;
- PLN 1.50 for each subsequent hour of parking;
- PLN 8.00 per day (24h);
- PLN 30.00 for 7 days;
- PLN 50.00 for 30 days;
Parking on Post Office Street:
payment is valid Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00
- PLN 1.00 minimum charge for 30 minutes;
- PLN 2.00 for each additional hour of parking;
Publicly accessible:
- PLN 200.00 per month;
- PLN 800.00 for 6 months;
- PLN 1400.00 for one year;
For residents:
- PLN 100.00 per month;
- PLN 400.00 for 6 months;
- PLN 700.00 for one year;
Free parking for:
- Electric vehicles;
Additional charges
- PLN 95.00 for no ticket or an invalid ticket;
Paid Parking Zone area
new locations have been bolded
- Stare Miasto (parking przy Baszcie „Garncarskiej”)
- ul. Kopernika (parking vis a vis PKO BP.S.A.)
- ul. Kościuszki I
- pl. Narutowicza (parking pomiędzy restauracją McDonald a rondem)
- ul. Kościuszki (parking przy Muzeum Miasta Malborka)
- ul. Piłsudskiego (vis a vis PKO BP.S.A.)
- ul. Poczty Gdańskiej (parking na końcu ulicy)
- ul. Warecka (parking Centrum)
- pl. Słowiański (przed Starostwem Powiatowym)
- ul. Kościuszki (zaplecze Hotelu Centrum Malbork)
- ul. Konopnickiej (przy Młynówce vis a vis sklepu Biedronka)
- ul. Mickiewicza (przy rondzie Inki)
- ul. Solskiego
- ul. 17-go Marca (zaplecze Zakładu Karnego)
- ul. Zapolskiej
- ul. Stare Miasto (przed Kościołem pw. Św. Jana Chrzciciela)
- ul. Kościuszki II (zaplecze ulicy)
- ul. Żelazna i ul. Dworcowa
The last two car parks will be included in the zone from 1 January 2023.
Car parks at Malbork Castle
Private car park on Sierakowskich Street:
- PLN 25.00 for 3 hours – car, camper, motorbike;
- PLN 60.00 for 3 hours – bus;
- PLN 15.00 for each additional hour;
Parking on Walowa Street:
- PLN 5.00 for the first hour passenger car;
- PLN 20.00 for the whole day passenger car;
- PLN 5.00 for the first hour motorbike;
- PLN 10.00 for the whole day for a motorbike;
- PLN 10.00 for the first hour a camper;
- PLN 30.00 for all day camper;
- PLN 80.00 all day for a bus;
Parking on Main Street (Kaldowo):
- PLN 5.00 for the first hour passenger car;
- PLN 20.00 for the whole day passenger car;
- PLN 5.00 for the first hour motorbike;
- PLN 10.00 for the whole day for a motorbike;
- PLN 10.00 for the first hour a camper;
- PLN 30.00 for all day camper;
- PLN 80.00 all day for a bus;