Parking in Strzegom zone

Strzegom has parking meters
Parking fees can be paid in parking machines. You can pay for parking with coins ranging from 10 groszy to 5 zloty.
Parking fees in Strzegom
In a paid parking zone:
payment is valid from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00
- PLN 1.00 minimum charge for 30 minutes;
- PLN 2.00 for the first hour of parking;
- PLN 2.50 for the second hour of parking
- PLN 3.00 for the third hour of parking
- PLN 2.00 for the fourth and each subsequent hour of parking;
- PLN 100.00 monthly;
- PLN 300.00 semiannual;
- PLN 500.00 annually;
- PLN 40.00 annually for cabs;
- PLN 40.00 annually for zone residents;
Zero fees for
- electric cars;
- drivers of marked vehicles of city services;
- drivers of marked vehicles designed for transport of disabled persons with reduced mobility as well as vehicles equipped with a parking card issued by the District Governor, allowing for the use of privileges and concessions in road traffic;
Additional fees
- PLN 50.00 in case of failure to pay the parking fee.