Parking in Warszawa (Warsaw) zones

New parking fees in Warsaw’s paid parking zone 2022
On 15 November, new conditions and exact locations were announced. On 2 January 2023, an extension of the zone is planned.
We present updated and expanded data on parking, including free parking in Warsaw.
Free parking for drivers of single-track vehicles (including bicycles) and electric cars
Payment for parking in the paid parking zone should be made in parking machines. You can pay for parking using, among others, contactless payment cards, the BLIK system and coins (from 10 groszy to 5 PLN). It is still possible to pay using mobile applications.
Parking fees in Warszawa
In the Unattended Paid Parking Zone
Valid from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00
- minimum charge PLN 0.50 – 10 minutes;
- PLN 4.50 for the first hour of parking;
- PLN 5.40 for the second hour of parking;
- PLN 6.40 for the third hour of parking;
- PLN 4.50 for the fourth and each subsequent hour of parking.
granted to persons registered in the Non-reserved Paid Parking Zone. Issued for one year. One person receives a space for one vehicle.
- PLN 30.00 per year;
- PLN 600. per year for Area subscription;
Fine for lack of parking ticket in Warsaw
- PLN 300.00 standard;
New map of parking zones in Warsaw 2022
Uchwała nr LI/1570/2021 Rady Warszawy z dnia 8 lipca 2021 r. (Dz. Urz. Woj. Maz. poz. 6415),88389,26612764,od-stycznia-zmiany-w-parkowaniu-w-warszawie-drozej-nowe-godziny.html