Swiss votation on the proposed CO2 law with great attention

Share.P was born out of a desire to do something good for the world in which our children will live. Our sole mission is to reduce CO2 emissions and air pollution, so we watched the Swiss votation on the proposed CO2 law with great attention.
Few days ago, the Swiss population narrowly rejected the bill which aimed to reduce CO2 emissions to half of the 1990 level by 2030.
The majority of the Swiss population, otherwise known for its great concern for the environment, wants exactly what Share.P proposes: a reduction of CO2 emissions not through price increases and bans, but through innovation!
With technology at its heart, Share.P has found a way to support the development of e-mobility, powered by Internet of Things (IoT) technology and not by imposing burdensome new regulations – because we believe in people!
Our patented technology gives property owners a financial incentive to create a grassroots network of publicly accessible charging points. Every EV-charging point added to Share.P can save four tonnes of CO2 emissions each year!
Together we can boost the Swiss e-mobility. Do you want to learn more?
#Sustainability #EV #ShareP