Types of EV stations and chargers – what is a station vs a charging point?

You really can get lost in all the nomenclature. The official definitions of a station or charging point do not say much. In addition there are different types amongst charging stations. Share.P comes to the rescue and presents an explanation of the individual terms. These are not strict definitions, but make it all more understandable and accessible to everyone.
Charging station
A location where the electric vehicle charging service is possible. It includes a charging device (also an electrical socket), parking spaces in the number of charging ports. It can consist of several charging points.
Charging point
An >16 amp electrical outlet with power higher than 3.7kW, a charging cable or charging device, that enables charging of a single electric vehicle. E.g. a wallbox with an electrical socket.
Charging station open to all
Charging station available on equal terms for any electric or hybrid vehicle. Possible usage rules depending on the operator.
Non-accessible charging station
Charging station accessible only to selected user groups and access conditions can be set individually. In order to provide charging services, like a public charging station, it is subject to examination by the Office of Technical Inspection.
An Internet public map of charging stations including infrastructure for electric vehicles. The information on the website may not be up to date or verified.
Type of charging point. A device that allows the charging of electric vehicles with direct current and/or alternating current. Most often wall-mounted. May have a charging socket alone or be equipped with a cable.
Free-standing wallbox
A type of charging point. Free-standing wallbox type charger. A wall-mounted charger mounted on a free-standing post.
Type of charging point. Free-standing charger. A device capable of charging electric vehicles with DC and/or AC current. May have a charging socket alone or be fitted with a cable.
EVSE – Electric Vehicle Service Equipment
Commonly known as a charging station. In practice, any equipment (charger, socket, cable) that enables an electric vehicle to be charged. By definition, it does not indicate the charging method or power.
Official as well as colloquial definitions are still forming, but we hope we have brought the topic of charging stations closer to you.
Soon we invite you to the next part concerning types of electric cars charging. For now, we also invite you to the glossary of terms for electric vehicles.
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