Parking in Katowice zones

Changes to rates and areas of Paid Parking Zones in Katowice

– On average, 123,000 vehicles with registrations from neighboring cities enter Katowice daily. The number of parking spaces in the city centre is limited and people from other cities mainly park here. It is important to me that the residents of Katowice, when running errands in the city center, have a place to park their vehicle and do not have to search for a place for several minutes. On the other hand, people who live in the city center also want to be able to park their cars in front of their houses. That’s why a few years ago I made a decision to remodel the parking policy in the city. Its main goal is to encourage thousands of people who come to Katowice every day to work from other cities to use public transport and transfer centers, as it has been done for years in many Western European countries, says Marcin Krupa, the Mayor of Katowice.


The applicable data are:

Current rates in the city
first hour: PLN 3
second hour: PLN 3.6
third hour: 4.2 zł
every subsequent hour: 3 zł

additional fee depending on the date of payment (up to 7 days – 100 zł) – after 7 days – 200 zł




Current charging hours

The fee is collected on working days from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm


Applicable subscriptions – monthly subscription and quarterly subscription
for persons registered or paying income tax in Katowice
is granted to natural persons who are owners of motor vehicles or have another valid legal title to the vehicle they use, regardless of the number of vehicles

The monthly fee for the “monthly subscription” is PLN 200

The quarterly fee for a “quarterly subscription” is 480 PLN




The new rules will be described shortly after publication.



