Parking in Hel zone

The seasonal paid parking zone in Hel
Payments can be made at the mobile operator and at parking meters – payment in coins only.
Parking fees in Hel
valid from 1 June to 30 September
Paid parking zone
payable Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 20.00
- PLN 3.00 for the first hour of parking;
- PLN 3.60 for the second hour of parking;
- PLN 4.30 for the third hour of parking;
- PLN 3.00 for the fourth and each subsequent hour of parking;
- PLN 20.00 for a 24-hour ticket;
Subscription turnusowy
- PLN 70.00 per week;
Subscription for the residents of Hel
- PLN 10.00 per month;
Subscription bearer
- PLN 150.00 per month;
Subscription for the property owner and the operator
- PLN 100.00 per month;
Zero fees for
- disabled persons with reduced mobility, drivers of motor vehicles and drivers transporting a disabled person with reduced mobility, parking in SPP;
- drivers, while performing their official duties, in official vehicles of the Town Hall of Hel, equipped with IDs issued by the road manager
- drivers of marked vehicles of the municipal services (gas, electricity, heating, water and sewerage emergency services) during the removal of the results of accidents
- driving marked vehicles of the Police, the Road Transport Inspection, the Internal Security Agency, the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, the Foreign Intelligence Agency, the State Fire Service and the Volunteer Fire Service, the Border Guard, the ambulance service, the Penitentiary Service, the Customs Service, the road administration (badges), the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, state inspection and control offices
- drivers of TAXI vehicles in designated parking spaces, marked with D-19 “cab rank” and D-20 “end of cab rank” signs
- drivers of vehicles of representations of foreign countries marked with the CD or CC symbol;
- drivers of school buses transporting children to school;
- drivers of electric vehicles;
Additional fee
- PLN 50.00 for not paying the fee for parking in the zone;
- PLN 25.00 in case of payment within 3 days;
Parking areas on
- Kaszubska street – in its entire length;
- Wiejska street – from the intersection with ul. Morska to the intersection with ul. kmdr. por por Przybyszewskiego;
- Wuja Klemensa street – throughout its entire length;
- Adm. Steyera street – parking bays and parking near the Maciej Płażyński football pitch;
- Portowa street – from the intersection with ul. Lipowa to the intersection with ul;
- Komandorska street – 50 m section from the intersection with ul. kmdr. por. Przybyszewskiego;
- Leśna street – along its entire length;
- Kapitańska Street – from the intersection with ul. kmdr. por. Przybyszewskiego to the intersection with ul. Obrońców Helu;
- kmdr. por. Przybyszewskiego street – from the intersection with ul. adm. Steyera to the gates of the former military unit;
- Obrońców Helu Street – from the intersection with ul. kmdr. por. Przybyszewskiego to the intersection with ul. Kapitańska;
- Dworcowa street- square next to the municipal cemetery;
- Sztormowa, Bursztynowa, Wydmowa street – along their entire length with parking lots and parking bays;
- Plażowa Street – along its entire length;
- parking lot on the premises of Żeromskiego 2;
- Parking lot at the premises Żeromskiego 2 and 6 (next to tennis courts);
- Parking lot at the property Adm. Steyera 10;
- Parking lot at Komandorska 9;
- Żeromskiego Street – parking bay by the stormwater pumping station.
Rady Miasta Helu
z dnia 28 stycznia 2016 r.
w sprawie ustalenia stref płatnego parkowania na drogach publicznych na terenie miasta Helu, ustalenia opłat za parkowanie w tych strefach, opłaty dodatkowej oraz sposobu ich pobierania.